Thursday, October 31, 2019
Exploring relationship Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Exploring relationship - Essay Example To comply with the requirements of the paper, one would explore whether different Shih Tzus exemplify distinct and unique characteristics and traits or opt to select a favored member through particular behavior being exhibited. Likewise, one explores the concept of loyalty developed and exhibited by dogs to their masters from various experiences. Currently, oneââ¬â¢s family owns five Shih Tzus: three female and two male. All came from the dam (or mother) named Mahogany. The sire (the father) just recently died after 8 years of sharing his productive and unselfish love with all family members. He would be truly missed. From all the current Shih Tzus, one is particularly dominant in terms of exhibiting more aggressive behavior with regards to her view of guests, other pets, and the way she perceives herself as a member of the family. Her name is Ceesily, a pure while female of 16 months, who already bore one male puppy, named Hachiko. Ceesily had already exhibited dominant traits ev er since she was born. She was the eldest of a brood of six puppies and at the moment she was delivered. Her mother, Mahogany, immediately decided transferring to another place to deliver the rest of the puppies. Being lost and apparently abandoned, family members found Ceesily crawling fast under the bed looking for her mother. She was the first to open her eyes, the first to crawl, to walk, to run and to assume a playful and mischievous pup to the others. However, as she began to grow, family members immediately recognized that Ceesilyââ¬â¢s physical appearance was different from the others. Her coat was not shaggy but finer and confined to her body. She did not grow them over her eyes and therefore, we could not bind them to a knot and put a cute ribbon, like the others. Likewise, she is the most aggressive to guests as she keeps barking and charging at new people who come visit the house. Despite her aggressiveness, she is also the only one who sleeps with the youngest member of the family on the bed; since Ceesily is the only one among them who could jump high and could therefore treat herself to a lazy afternoon on the sofa or the bed, as she desires. Upon observation, one noted that the Shih Tzus chose oneââ¬â¢s mother as their master or boss since she was the one who regularly feeds them. When feeding time comes, all five are aligned in strategic positions patiently waiting for their respective share. Another indication that these pet dogs have selected her as their special friend is the fact the when she works on her computer (as she is a freelance writer), all the five dogs could be observed scattered by her side. Ceesily, as her jumping prowess would attest, could be seen lying on the sofa chair where oneââ¬â¢s mother is seated. The rest of the dogs lie by her foot, one under the table, and still others within the vicinity. One female, a young six month old puppy named Fruitcake, would sometimes beg her to be carried and be lodged together with Ceesily on the couch. It was like seeing a whole Shih Tzu family surrounding their own mother. When she finishes her work, all the dogs go down together with her, except Fruitcake, who despite knowing how to ascend the stairs, have not learned the skills to go down; as such, mother goes down with Fruitcake being carried. Having pets in the family is actually challenging in terms of additional
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Silence of The Lambs Research Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Silence of The Lambs Research - Essay Example However, this involves a greater effort and hard work from the whole team working at the project, as the technique of writing a novel is very different from the usual movie scripts, and directors have to be very careful about handling the story. It is a dangerous gamble, and very risky. More than often a movie fails just because the director did not provide that flow to it that should keep the audience on the edge of their seats, a very important factor in the success of any movie, or because the proper treatment was not given to the storyline. The genres that have proven to be the most grossing at the box office have been horror and thrillers_ action, suspense, and mystery inclusive, as they provide that crucial adrenaline shots to the audiences and find a common pulse with them, giving them a chance to escape into the world of fantasy and reel life, and an opportunity to unwind. A recent addition to this genre is the concept of psychological thrillers. For long film makers have relied on camera tricks and special effects, and costumes and scary background score when it comes to horror movies as the sole technique of being true to this category. Sometimes, theological themes and fantasized versions of mystical stories are woven into the plot to make it sound more believable and so more scary. The exorcist was and still is to this day the pinnacle of success in this regard, and still stands out to be the top most name in the list of scary movies of all times. But psychological thrillers bring in something more to horror than just the monsters; they bring to it the human factor. Audience worldwide have the tendency to relate to stories that are more in synch with their emotions, thinking patterns and psychology, and touch upon the matters of the human soul and spiritual development of people. Movies that explore this aspect hold a special place in the history of cinema. Weave it together with the essence of horror and suspense, and you have the perfect blend of cinematic taste that will be intensely savored by the audience, given that it is handled very sensitively and extremely carefully, for as much as it is the formula of success, if negligence be a part of it, it can fall flat on its face in the box office. Case in point of an all time success is the movie The Silence of the Lambs. In the winter of 1991 came a movie that went on to be nominated for scores of awards and claimed many accolades, a proof of its tremendous success. The distributors were the Orion Pictures, and the director was Jonathan Demme. The cast was an impressive combination of
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Definition Of Critical Review
Definition Of Critical Review To Critique research articles mean careful and critical appraisal of strength and limitations of a piece of research, rather than hunting for and exposing mistake (Polit and Beck 2008). A research critique is not a summary of the article but find scope and limitation and balance of the validity and significance. Definition of critical review You need to put your heading in bold and separate to your paragraph :A critical review is an evaluation of an academic article or essay. It requested to make judgments, positive or negative, about the text using various criteria. It is an overall critical appraisal, which mainly focuses on the reliability, validity, strengths and weakness, rather than the faults or weakness of the research (New South Wales University, learning Centre date?). The review supposes to be objective, balance discussion and evaluation of the strengths and weakness. (New South Wales University, learning Centre date?). It is the summarization and evaluation of the ideas and information in an article. It expresses the writers point of view in the light of what you already know on the subject and what is acquired from related texts. Purpose of the essay- The aim of this assignment is to develop a solid understanding of the experiences of residents in nursing home care by critiquing a published qualitative health research. Say who wrote the article, give article title and details. It helps to find out participants belief about their own role and the role of nurses in controlling and managing their condition. Potential benefit from conducting critical review of article is increase share control with health care staff in residential care facilities as well as increase awareness in health care staff, employer and in public. In this article critical thinking frame work is based on critical review guideline for qualitative studies by Beck, C 2009, Critiquing Qualitative Research, Aorn Journal, vol. 90, no.4, pp. 543-545. This article reviewed due to its design and contribution to health care facility;? A bit unclear to read in addition it also increases nursing knowledge and provide awareness in society. Reason behind to use this frame is provides specific guideline and cover all most question of critique such as how to do critique on title, phenomenon, structure, research design analysis data, findings and other prospective of the article. Title: please give exact study details here -otherwise it is hard to read and mark. I presume from your references you are critiquing: Nakrem, S, Vinsnes, A. G, Seim, A, 2011. Residents experiences of interpersonal factors in nursing home care: A qualitative study, International Journal of Nursing Studies vol .48 no.11, pp. 1357-1366. Title of the study is well-described and self-explanatory. It describes residents experience of factors while living in a nursing home. The article title find out age of participants, their experiences of interpersonal relationship factors in nursing home care Title is already indicate it is a qualitative study and title match with context of article. The objective of study is clearly stated in article. Abstract: The abstract part: aim was finding out the experiences of the residents with direct nursing care in relation to interpersonal aspects of quality of care. Background stating as life expectancy rate is lengthening the number of those needing care in nursing home will also increase dramatically over the period of next 20 years (Huber et al., 2009) Quality of care across developed countries mainly focuses on patient safety, excellence in care and patient satisfaction (Nakrem et al., 2009) Method: phenomenological methodology had been used. Findings were divided into category and then sub categories. Conclusion quality of nursing care depends upon individual approach to medical, physical and psychosocial care, including interpersonal aspects of care. Researcher used a short sentence to cover all aspect of research, also describes well information of data analysis and result. Overall, the abstract clearly and concisely summarized. Introduction: Statement of problem; the problem statement is unequivocally and easily located in the first paragraph of the article. The researcher focus on how nursing home quality can be understands from resident point of view. The problem certainly has significance for nursing because the life expectancy and number of resident will increase in the next 20 years. The problem statement convinced clearly and having an ability to persuade because the study is a greater understanding of interpersonal factors which is very important for improving the quality of patient nurse relationship in nursing homes. This is a bit confusing to read This statement of a problem does build a cogent and persuasive argument for the new study as the consideration of interpersonal relationship factors and quality of nursing care could be difference from nurses and residents perspective. It has a great significance in nursing as people who were the owners of the house is now the residents of the nursing home. So they believe their integrity is at risk in nurse patient interaction and care. They feel more dependent and sometime helpless. So its very important to study those aspects and find out the drawbacks, so that they can be rectified and the residents feel safer, secure and live their life happily in nursing home. The match between the research problem and the qu alitative paradigm and tradition used in the study is good. The researcher used the phenomenological methods in order to explain the life experience of people in nursing home in regards to quality of care and their expectations. Research questions: In this article author did not clearly state the researcher question, the open ended questions were used and these research questions were further divided in to sub categories for more understanding of problems. Research questions are related with the study. Qualitative method of data collection fits the research question by using phenomenological theory, in residents with lived experience (Polit, Beck Hungler 2001, p.214). Literature review: The reporter adequately summarized research that had been conducted on the phenomenon of interpersonal aspects of nursing care. The author clearly stated the gaps in the knowledge, in previous study it was identified that to provide good quality of care and to understand interpersonal aspect of care is essential and residents are primary source to find out the interpersonal factor and outcomes of care, on other hand recent study provide better understanding of interpersonal factor by taking depth interviews of the residence in order to improve the relationship of the residents with their nurses and also in the improvement of the quality of nursing. Conceptual underpinnings: the researcher provided a conceptual definition of the key concept of interpersonal aspects of quality care. This helps the reader to understand what interpersonal aspects of nursing referred to, and it includes not only medical care but also physical and psychological care, to protect their integrity and to recognize their individuali psychosocial needs. Be careful of odd capitals in sentences. The researcher did not state philosophical basis of this study in introduction. the author didnt make any conceptual framework for this study, he just compare and contrast the content on one research theory to compare the content of the study but he did consider the ethical aspect of study, took approval from regional committee for medical and health research either for maintaining privacy and confidentiality of the information collected from the study. Methods:- Protecting the participants rights: Approval was obtained from regional committee for medical and health research. However, according to Minichiello et al (2004), the ethical components not just ethics committee and follow-up support but also the informed consent, keeping patients information confidently and the right of withdrew the study. Ethical issues related to the research include informed consent, the identity of the researcher, the purpose and nature of the study, the right to refuse and to participate and other such as responsibilities of researcher and possible study benefits, side effects, privacy, autonomy, confidentiality, anonymity etc. these all aspects were taken into consideration by regional committee of medical and health research ethics. For data collection, confidentiality and right to refuse and withdrawal and written consent in addition to oral consent was taken from residents. Leave a line between sections Research design and research tradition: Appropriate methods of data gathering and analysis for this study are based on in-depth interviews.This is a qualitative study and the author has used a descriptive and exploratory research design. A phenomenological method is used in which the idea is taken from of the individuals who have actually experienced the situation. (Taylor, Roberts. 2007, p. 336 incorrect in text reference- always leave author initial out of body of text) The researchers used the phenomenological study to describe the life experiences of people in nursing home in regards to quality of care and their expectations (Vivilaki Johnson 2008). An adequate time was spent with participants, each interview was lasted for one hour and author find that the long-term residents are individuals with individual background but they also have a shared meaning of experience living in nursing home, so by comparing and contrasting the interpretations of meanings to combine and put toge ther them in general account. Sample and setting: Participants were selected on based of condition and on the eligible criteria completed by the researchers. This is the plus point for the research (Rawlinson ?1999, p.859) Initially 24 participants between the ages of 45 to 100 years were chosen from four municipal public nursing homes in Norway. Sample is taken from small, medium and large public nursing homes in rural and urban areas. But only 15 participants chosen with 9 women, 75 92 years old and 6 men 80- 96 years old, gave interview, there was a well described site and recruitment of participants which shows that sample size was not adequate. The inclusion criteria was set on the basis that they were mentally sound residents in the nursing home for minimum of a month and longer and had physical and mental capacity to participate. Individuals those are selected to participate in qualitative research is based on their first-hand experience with a culture social or phenomenon of interest (this is not an author surname. You really need some tutoring from the Student Learning Centre to help you to write correct in text references 2011,p-28) sample decision were made and the sample framed according to the purpose of the study, there is no hard and fast rule rules about numbers, Sample size was not adequate to make a general statement should take at least 50 or 60 sample to make a general statement. For qualitative study it could be 10 -100 but minimum 30 should be when looking for evidence or trying to achieve maximum variation (Tuckett 2004, p.2). Data collection: The data was collected by in-depth interviews with the residents. One researcher, to assist the residents an interview guide with open-ended questions, conducted all interviews and probes were used. Three experts reviewed it. A narrative approach was used to encourage the resident to freely speak about their experience. The interviewer repeated and summarised during the interviews to check whether it was correct. Procedure: The procedure used to collect and record data were adequately described and were appropriate for phenomenological study. Because resident tell their views to the researcher in interviews and bias were minimised. How ? The author did not discussed about staff training for data collection. Enhancement and rigor: The rigour in qualitative research is demonstrated through researchers, attention to and confirmation of information discovered. The goal of rigor in qualitative research is to accurately represent study participant experienced (p.41) different methods was used to enhance the trustworthiness of the data and analysis, to enhance rigour in data analysis the authors of the article were all involved in discussions about development of analytical concepts. Researcher documented researcher procedures and decision process sufficiently to confirm that the finding is suitable and confirmable, the author himself and two other interviewers coded interview separately and compared with the coding done by main author and discussed for abstraction in categories and subgroups in meeting. Data analysis: Data was analysed by recording and transcribed the data by verbally, the data analytical approach was consisted of coding with categorization, and Interviewer took notes and summarized them. Moreover, interviewer also listened the tape recording carefully and meaningful entities in the transcript were also identified and interviewees expressions were sorted into more specific categories and finally each category was synthesized by comparing and contrasting with the already existing theory and literature. An electronic tool was used for mind mapping as well. To enhancing the rigour of the study all authors were involved in discussion about the development of analytical concepts. The main author coded all interview and all study was discussed the abstractions into categories and subgroups by the authors.(Ryan Nichollas Will 2009). Good Findings: Finding from the qualitative studies may be a show constructive format of phenomena (Polit, Beck Hungler 2001, p.313). The findings of this research highlight and acknowledge the importance of nurses in general and specialized (holistic) care, prevention of complications and prioritizing the individual needs. Findings also expressed the quality of care according to residents point of view to optimize and fulfil their medical, physical and psychosocial needs whilst protecting their integrity, dignity and social status. Findings mainly regard quality of care by building up long-term relationship between nurses and residents to enhance psychosocial wellbeing. Findings were all expressed in the article under separate subheadings for easy review and understanding. Interpretation of the findings: Finding is interpreted within an appropriate frame. Author focused on finding related to interpersonal factor of direct nursing care. ?the finding interpreted and discussed within the context of previous studies. The author compares the study with the previous study. In previous study (author, date) it was identified that to provide good quality of care to the residents, to understand interpersonal aspect of care is essential and residents are primary source to find out the interpersonal factors and outcomes of care while recent study provides better understanding of interpersonal factors by taking depth interviews of the residents in order to improve the relationship of the residents with their nurses and also in the improvement of the quality of nursing care. Both studies focus on the interpersonal aspect of care so that nurses can provide better quality of care to residents because residents have long term relationship with nurses in nursing homes. And also author mention about li mitation of this study nurse as representative of the health care took interview from the residents might be reluctant to criticize the nursing home quality and author did not put many efforts to understand cultural of the interviewees. Author did not address the issue of transferability of the finding due to small sample consisting of mentally lucid residents from four nursing homes. Implication and recommendation: Presentation: The report was well written, flowed logically, and was written in enough detail for critical analysis .the description of finding was rich and powerful. Researcher credibility: The researcher qualification enhanced confidence in the finding. Researcher was member of Norway College of Nursing facility. Summary assessment: The study result appears trustworthy. Trustworthiness is at the heart of a qualitative research critique (Beck 2009) This study provide some evidence that can be used in nursing practice in help in improving interpersonal relationship and quality of care in nursing homes. Appear to be trustworthy but author could take more sample/ participants in this study to make finding more general.? does this apply to qualitative work? Conclusion: This is critiquing and qualitative study about a quality of nursing care in nursing home .This qualitative study is to understand the real needs of the residents and how these needs can be fulfilled by the nurses. Nurses are required to understand the individual needs of the patient through their knowledge and skills in order to provide the holistic care to the residents. Nurses need to maintain the residents autonomy and dignity in order to improve the quality of nursing care. Overall, this was a good qualitative article. The researcher used a qualitative research design to explore the experience of residents those who live in the nursing home and providing the evidence for the practice for the healthcare to fulfill the individual needs through interpersonal relationship. The strength of this article would be great purpose, right methodology, and strong rigor. As mentioned previously, strong rigor was the most important part of qualitative study. However, study sample ta ken was small and the interview was taken by one of the nurse of the nursing may be this affect the views of the resident (Galvin 2005, p-92). References: Beck, C 2009, Critiquing Qualitative Research, Aorn Journal, vol. 90, no.4, pp. 543-545. Leave a line between each one, no need to number them Galvin, Cathy, Roiste first name? and Aine first name?2005, Living in care: older person experience of nursing homes, Irish Journal of applied social studies, vol. 6, issue.1. Hilarie, Surrena 2011, Qualitative research in nursing,5th edn, China Minichiello, V Sullivan, G Greenwood, K and Axford, R 2004, Handbook of research methods for nursing and health science, 2nd Pearson Education Australia, Australia. Nakrem, S, Vinsnes, A. G, Seim, A, 2011. Residents experiences of interpersonal factors in nursing home care: A qualitative study, International Journal of Nursing Studies vol .48 no.11, pp. 1357-1366. New South Wales University Learning Centre n.d., Writing a Critical Review, viewed 21 Oct 2011 Polit, D.F Beck, C.T, 2008, Nursing research : generating and assessing evidence for nursing practice, 8thedn, pp.105-138, Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, Philadelphia, USA. Polit, DF, Beck, CT Hungler, BP 2001, Essential of nursing research methods, appraisal, and utilization, 5th edn, Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, Philadelphia, USA. Ryan-Nicholls, KD Will, CI 2009, Rigour in qualitative research: mechanisms for control, Nurse Researcher, vol. 16, no. 3, viewed 9 September 2012, (online Bell Howell/ProQuest). Taylor, B Roberts, K 2007, Research in nursing and health care: evidence for practice, 3rd edn, Thomson, South Melbourne. Thomas, Sp Pollio, HR 2002, Listening to patients: a phenomenological approach to nursing research and practice, Springer, New York. Tuckett, A, 2009,Qualitative research sampling -The very real complexties nursing research,vol.12, no.1,P.2. Vivilaki, V Johnson, M 2008, Research philosophy and Socrates: rediscovering the birth of phenomenology, Nurse Researcher, vol. 16, no. 1, viewed 9 September 2012, (online Bell Howell/ProQuest). Appendix A Critiquing Qualitative Research put author details here also Basic Questions for Critiquing Title Introduction in Qualitative Reports Title Was the title a good one, suggesting the key phenomenon and the group or community under study? Introduction Statement of the problem Is the problem stated unambiguously and is it easy to identify? Does the problem statement build a cogent and persuasive argument for the new study? Does the problem have significance for nursing? Is there a good match between the research problem on the one hand and the paradigm, tradition, and methods on the other? Research questions Are research questions explicitly stated? If not, is their absence justified? Are the questions consistent with the studys philosophical basis, underlying tradition, conceptual framework, or ideological orientation? Literature review Does the report adequately summarize the existing body of knowledge related to the problem or phenomenon of interest? Does the literature review provide a solid basis for the new study? Conceptual underpinnings Are key concepts adequately defined conceptually? Is the philosophical basis, underlying tradition, conceptual framework, or ideological orientation made explicit and is it appropriate for the problem? Basic Questions for Critiquing Results in Qualitative Reports Results Data analysis Were the data management (e.g., coding) and data analysis methods sufficiently described? Was the data analysis strategy compatible with the research tradition and with the nature and type of data gathered? Did the analysis yield an appropriate product (e.g., a theory, taxonomy, thematic pattern, etc.)? Did the analytic procedures suggest the possibility of biases? Findings Were the findings effectively summarized, with good use of excerpts and supporting arguments? Do the temes adequately capture the meaning of the data? Does it appear that the research satisfactorily conceptualized the themes or patterns in the data? Did the analysis yield an insightful, provocative, and meaningful picture of the phenomenon under investigation? Theoretical integration Are the themes or patterns logically connected to each other to form a convincing and integrated whole? Were the figures, maps, or models used effectively to summarize conceptualizations? If a conceptual framework or ideological orientation guided the study, are the themes or patterns linked to it in a cogent manner? Basic Questions for Critiquing Discussion in Qualitative Reports Discussion Interpretation of the findings Are the findings interpreted within an appropriate frame of reference? Are major findings interpreted and discussed within the context of prior studies? Are the interpretations consistent with the studys limitations? Does the report address the issue of the transferability of the findings? Implications and recommendations Do the researchers discuss the implications of the study for clinical practice or further inquiry, and are those implications reasonable and complete? Basic Questions for Critiquing Methods in Qualitative Reports Methods Protection of participants rights Were appropriate procedures used to safeguard the rights of study participants? Was the study subject to external review? Was the study designed to minimize risks and maximize benefits to participants? Research design and research tradition Is the identified research tradition (if any) congruent with the methods used to collect and analyze data? Was an adequate amount of time spent in the field or with study participants? Did the design unfold in the field, giving researchers opportunities to capitalize on early understandings? Was there evidence of reflexivity in the design? Was there an adequate number of contacts with study participants? Sample and setting Was the group or population of interest adequately described? Were the setting and sample described in sufficient detail? Was the approach used to gain access to the site or to recruit participants appropriate? Was the best possible method of sampling used to enhance information richness and address the needs of the study? Was the sample size adequate? Was saturation achieved? Data collection Were the methods of gathering data appropriate? Were data gathered through two or more methods to achieve triangulation? Did the researcher ask the right questions or make the right observations, and were they recorded in an appropriate fashion? Was a sufficient amount of data gathered? Was the data of sufficient depth and richness? Procedures Were data collection and recording procedures adequately described and do they appear appropriate? Was data collected in a manner that minimized bias or behavioral distortions? Were the staff who collected data appropriately trained? Enhancement of rigor Were methods used to enhance the trustworthiness of the data (and analysis), and was the description of those methods adequate? Were the methods used to enhance credibility appropriate and sufficient? Did the researcher document research procedures and decision processes sufficiently that findings are auditable and confirmable? Basic Questions for Critiquing Global Issues in Qualitative Reports Global Issues Presentation Was the report well written, well organized, and sufficiently detailed for critical analysis? Were the descriptions of the methods, findings, and interpretations sufficiently rich and vivid? Researcher(s) credibility Do the researchers clinical, substantive, or methodological qualifications and experience enhance confidence in the findings and their interpretation? Summary assessment Do the study findings appear to be trustworthy and do you have confidence in the truth value of the results? Does the study contribute any meaningful evidence that can be used in nursing practice or that is useful to the nursing discipline? Please add rubric FU logo L mono Faculty of Health Sciences School of Nursing Midwifery NURS2107/NURS2107A Evidence for Health Care Practice 2 Content marking guide for assignment 3 Introduction (20%) Grade HD D C P F Purpose of essay clearly stated (2.5%) x No stated purpose A critical review explained/defined (2.5%) x No explanation/definition Potential benefits of conducting critical reviews clearly explained (5%) x Potential benefits of conducting critical reviews not stated Article to be reviewed introduced and context set (2.5%) x No introduction of article to be reviewed or context set Critical thinking framework(s) clearly outlined and rationale for using them explained (5%) x No explanation of critical thinking framework(s) Structure/headings of essay clearly stated (2.5%) x Structure/headings of essay not clear Critical review: quantitative study (40%) Grade HD D C P F Critique of title, authors and journal (2.5%) No critique of title, authors and journal Critique of abstract (2.5%) No critique of abstract Critique of introduction/literature review /background (10%) No critique of literature review Critique of research design/methodology/methods (10%) No critique of research design/methodology/methods Critique of validity and reliability (2.5%) No critique of validity and reliability Critique of ethical issues (2.5%) No critique of ethical issues Critique of findings (5%) No critique of findings Critique of discussion, conclusions, implications, limitations and recommendations (5%) No critique of discussion, conclusions, implications, limitations and recommendations Conclusions: quantitative study (10%) Grade HD D C P F Effective and succinct summary of main findings of critical review (5%) No summary of main findings of critique process Established significance of studys findings relating to evidence-based practice (5%) Significance of studys findings relating to evidence-based practice not stated Critical review: qualitative study (40%) Grade HD D C P F Critique of title, authors and journal (2.5%) x No critique of title, authors and journal Critique of abstract (2.5%) x No critique of abstract Critique of introduction/literature review /background (10%) x No critique of literature review Critique of research design/methodology/methods (10%) x No critique of research design/methodology/methods Critique of study rigour (2.5%) x No critique of validity and reliability or rigour Critique of ethical issues (2.5%) x No critique of ethical issues Critique of findings (5%) x No critique of findings Critique of discussion, conclusions, implications, limitations and recommendations (5%) x No critique of discussion, conclusions, implications, limitations and recommendations Conclusions: qualitative study (10%) Effective and succinct summary of main findings of critical review (5%) x No summary of main findings of the critique process Establishing significance of studys findings relating to evidence-based practice (5%) x Significance of study
Friday, October 25, 2019
Gangs and Violence in California Essay -- Gang Essays
Gangs and Violence in California This paper was done in response to an article that I came across in which a child was convicted as an adult for homicide. The homicide was supposedly gang-related; the young child that was only 14 years of age was painted as an entrenched gang member. This article made me think what contributed to this situation and how it can be eradicated from todayââ¬â¢s society so this will never happen to any of our youth. The solutions provided in this document are a response to the growing need for schools, school districts, county offices of education, and state legislatures to address youth gangs. Children are our greatest asset in the world today: They give parents the greatest feeling in the world. Parents go through their childrenââ¬â¢s fears, disappointments and tears and still feel the great energy that radiates around them. Parents feel and shape every aspect of their children; however, the most influential program shaping children today is their educational system. Parents think that sending their children to get an education does nothing more than give their child a chance to succeed in life, what a powerful influence education is. When we think of power influences we want them to be the best, this tends not be the case. In fact schools are on a steady decline in the field of nurturing our children but rather they fill our childrenââ¬â¢s gaps in their lives with very harmful, manipulative themes. A prominent harmful, manipulative theme that is becoming increasingly a younger trend is gangs. Gangs, and more specifically, gang violence is a growing phenomena among children among middle school and even elementary kids. Gangs are becoming more attractive to our young ones. As a result, more childr... ...icano Fellows Program. Stanford, 1994. Gangs. 27 Feb. 2004 Online: Goldstein, Arnold P., C. Ronald Huff, eds. The Gang Intervention Handbook. Champaign: Research Press, 1993. Hill, Sylvia. Interview with Assistant Principal, SCS of Charles Drew Middle School in Los Angeles, CA. Telephone Interview. 16 Feb. 2004. Kinnear, Karen L. Gangs: Contemporary World Issues. Santa Barbara: ABC-CLIO, 1996. Sanders, William B. Gangbangs and Drive-bys: Grounded Culture and Juvenile Gang Violence. New York: Gruyter, 1994. United States. Cong. House. Hearing before the Subcommittee on Youth Violence. 105th Cong., 1st sess. Washington: 1997. United States. Cong. Joint. Joint Hearing before the Subcommittee on Crime and Subcommittee on Early Childhood, Youth, and Families. 105th Cong., 1st sess. Washington: 1997.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Financial Statements Essay
What does the Consolidated Statements of Earnings the income statement tell you about the company? Why is this statement important? What business decisions could be made using the income statement? What does the balance sheet tell you about the company? Why isà the balance sheet important? What business decisions could be made using the balance sheet? What does the statement of cash flows tell you about the company? What business decisions could be made using the statement of cash flows? What information is provided in the statements that will assist you in making these business decisions? What information is not provided that could assist in managerial decision making? Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. Business ââ¬â Accounting Using Home Depot, Inc. 2008 Annual Report located in Appendix A of the text, Fundamentals of Financial Accounting , prepare a 1,050-1,750-word paper in which you answer the following questions: What does the income statement tell you about the company? Why is this statement important? What business decisions could be made using the income statement? What does the balance sheet tell you about the company? Why is the balance sheet important? What business decisions could be made using the balance sheet? What does the statement of cash flows tell you about the company? What business decisions could be made using the statement of cash flows? What information is provided in the statements that will assist you in making these business decisions? What information is not provided that could assist in managerâ⬠¦ Follow the link to get tutorial ââ¬â When you are traveling far from home for college, determine whether you should bring your vehicle or leave it home. In areas of high population, free parking spaces can be difficult to find. Also, if you have a car on campus, you will have to pay for regular maintenance as well as insurance and gas. Business ââ¬â Accounting Using Home Depot, Inc. 2008 Annual Report located in Appendix A of the text, Fundamentals of Financial Accounting , prepare a 1,050-1,750-word paper in which you answer the following questions: What does the income statement tell you about the company? Why is this statement important? What business decisions could be made using the income statement? What does the balance sheet tell you about the company? Why is the balance sheet important? What business decisions could be made using the balance sheet? What does the statement of cash flows tell you about the company? What business decisions could be made using the statement of cash flows? What information is provided in the statements that will assist you inà making these business decisions? What information is not provided that could assist in managerial decision making? â⬠¦
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Essay about American Industrialization Essay
Industrialization between 1865 and 1920 had many different effects on American life. In some ways, industrialization improved American life. However it also created problems in American society. There are several advantages and disadvantages to industrialization. In the decades following the Civil War the amount of factory jobs and city jobs increased. Rural populations decreased as urbanization increased. (See Document 1) Education rates and steel production rates also increased during this time period. The growth of railroads made transportation easier and more available to the public. John D. Rockefeller argued that industrial combinations, such as trusts and monopolies, were a benefit to industry. (See Document 6) He stated that through industrial combinations a business could expand its markets, while producing low priced goods, and still making a profit for stockholders. Steel making entrepreneur, Andrew Carnegie, had donated much of his wealth to the building of public libraries and other charities. (See Document 7) There were several positive effects of industrialization on American society. Industrialization was also the cause for many problems in American society. With the rise of big business a huge gap was created between the rich and the poor. The rich business owners were very wealthy and always had the best of everything, while working man lived in poverty. (See Document 5) Many people worked in sweatshops for as little as 25 cents per day. (See Document 4) Workers organized into labor unions such as the Knights of Labor and the American Federation of Labor. Under these labor unions, workers fought for higher wages, shorter hours, and safer working conditions. (See Document 2) The huge amounts of wealth created by the hardships faced by the workers is why this time period of industrialization came to be known as the Gilded Age. Industrialization between 1865 and 1920 had improved the national economy and the life of business owners. However millions of Americans suffered from low wages and living in poverty. Industrialization had a major effect on all Americans.
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